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A Water main break under the road here at Route 43 (a major state highway) north of 176, heaved up the road pretty good and required the Lake County Public Works Dept to come dig it out and repair it. A breaker was used to expose the damaged water main. A layer of frost was clearly visible between the pavement and the substrate along the sides of this freshly dug trench. After digging more than 12″ below the pavement, works crews then filled in the hole with stone. On top of this, they added 4 lifts or about 10″ of EZ Street permanent cold asphalt, rolled it and compacted it. All this was done on a 30° day in January.

EZ STREET®, Ambient®, and Bioblends® are Registered Trademarks of Asphalt Research Technology, Inc, Miami, Florida 33176.
THE EZ STREET COMPANY • 13611 S. Dixie Hwy, Suite 430 • Miami, FL 33176 • (305) 663-3090
©2024 Asphalt Research Technology, Inc.

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